Wednesday, April 18, 2012

International and Domestic Airport


Could anyone please advise the distane between the two airports and how long it would take to get from one to the other around 9:30pm?

Also has International airpor got cafe%26#39;s or any resturants, any input about what is available to drink and eat is welcome as I will be their for 5 hours before my flight. If they don%26#39;t have facilities any suggestions on where i could go near the airport for few hours to eat etc?

Also any insight on duty free at both airports needed please?

International and Domestic Airport

Delhi international is being expanded right now and it is going to be a while before things get better.

There is a duty free and some food but not a lot of choices. Space is very tight considering amount of travelers at that time of night.

Distance between 2 airports is about 3 kms or so I think.Does not take more than 15 minutes once you are sitting in a car.

International and Domestic Airport

It may be 3km as the crow flies but the two terminals are on opposite sides of the runway with no tunnel under it you have to drive around which makes it more like 10km.

As the previous poster points out the airport is under renovationa at the moment and is a real mess. You can spend anything up to 90 minutes getting through passport control on arrival.

Once you have checked into the departure hall in International the eating options are extremely limited, just a few extremely ropey fast food outlets and a Coffee Day kiosk. NB the (extremely limited) duty free has to be purchased before you go through the security check.

You don%26#39;t say if you are transfering from domestic to international or vice versa. For your sake I hope it is International to domestic as the other way is a pain in the butt.

There is in theory a ';shuttle service'; from the domestic to the International terminal. However the airport authorities seem to do every thing they can to discourage passengers from using it. You need to queue at the laughingly called ';welcome desk';in the domestic arrivals hall. You need to show your ticket from the International terminal and your boarding stub from your domestic arrival. You are then told to go and take a seat until the next bus leaves, which can be more than three hours. We arrived from Mumbai at 21:00 with an onward connection to Vienna at 02:30 but were told the next bus to the IRG terminal would leave at 00:30 despite the fact that we were told to check in at least 3 hours before international flights.

So you then have to get to the IGI terminal under your own steam, which means using the pre paid taxi service (????) at the domestic terminal. You queue at the pre paid booth and pay your 120 rupees to the International terminal, however you do not get a designated car number as you do at the International terminal. You have to leap out into the taxi lane and try to flag down a car. However none of the taxis are in the least bit interested in a 120 rupees journey to the other side of the runway so they totally ignore you. In our 5 weeks in India this was the single most irritating and frustrating half hour. Running up snd down the taxi ranks with heavy bags trying to get a car to take us. At the same time the cowboy unlicensed drivers are trying to get you to go with them for anything up to 1000 rupees. In the end we managed to get one by throwing our bags down in front of his cab and promising a fat tip.

Our driver spent the whole journey with the window rolled down so that he could cough\spit\vomit out of the window and I spent the next two weeks on penecillin trying to get rid of whatever he infected me with.

Are you getting the picture here Coburg? One bright spot. There is a Burger King in the domestic departure hall.

I know hoe you feel i had great problems when i was in Mumbai trying to get from one end of Bandra to the other, for some reason they never wanted to go to |East Bandra. They would just say that they didn%26#39;t know where the place I wanted to go to until you offered them more money which was 5times more than having to pay them if they had the meter on. In sense i didn%26#39;t mind that because it was still cheap, though it can get very irritating when your trying to get a taxi and people around you are trying to rip you of. Thanks for all the information. Will be going to International airport from Domestic%26#39;s.

When I bought pre paid ticket at Mumbai airport it was 4am in the morning and I had to walk to where the taxi%26#39;s are parked and find the driver, that was annoying. What was worse he didn%26#39;t know where the hotel was, at that time of night a woman on her own that was well worrying, luckily he found it in the end.

Thanks again to answering my queries.

There is a brand new overpass and it is now easy to go from domestic to international. Was there this month.

If I arrive from Bangalore at 8 pm and have a departure from the international terminal at 12:15 am (so over four hours after arrival), will I have any difficulty getting there?

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