Sunday, March 25, 2012


any alternative to malaria tabs had bad experiance last year hoping theres another path perhaps a jab or malorone anyone tried malorone ?


Malarone is the only alternative I can find as the normal tablets disagree with me also. Our practice nurse said to take Vitamin B tablets to help discourage the mossies - in addition to the tablets not instead.


i get really unwell with the usual anti malarials. i now use quinarsol-300,they are a one a week tablet and they work for me with no side effcts. they are available in goa from most chemists.

slightly unfortunate though that you should start taking them the week before you go.

perhaps you know some one who%26#39;s going before you that could bring some back.

i%26#39;m going to kerala in 9 days time. but i don%26#39;t know if they%26#39;re available there. but if they are i will probably bring back some to pass on to people like yourself. mail me through TA in about a month, if thats not too late, and i will let you know if i have any.

hope this is of some help to you. BOB

forgot to mention, they are about 57 RPS for 10


thanks bob i will bear that in mind

malrone worked well for me, i got no side effects from it.

but i bet you paid more than 57RPS for ten !!!


Bobthebus - I understand that the quinasol are quinine tablets which are used to treat malaria, that would mean they are not anti malarial? This is a query by the way, not disagreeing with you, just hoping we have found an alternative to the normal tabs.

Hi Bob

I googled quinine side effects andd got this

Quinine side effects include ringing in the ears, decreased hearing, vertigo, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, flushing or itching of the skin, headache, and fever.

I suppose it%26#39;s horses for courses really isn%26#39;t it ?

If you find one that works for you then why not stick with it.

As long as you take something !


Bob - several people (including one nurse) have said that Quinarsol are for the treatment of malaria, not the prevention of it - I think if you google it you%26#39;ll get the same information.

i did a bit of homework on this. first thing is that a lot of the medications used for treatment of malaria, are also used for malaria prevention. i went onto the maker of quinarsol-300 website and found quinarsol-300 on thier list of ANTI MALERIALS !!

if you would like to check for yourself the website is :- this is the makers website.

as far as side effects are concerned, i didn%26#39;t have any nor did my wife. but i can%26#39;t speak for anyone else.

hope this clarifies things for you. BOB

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