Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ganges - need advice

We will be traveling to India in February and are interested in observing the rituals of bathing in the Ganges. Unfortunately we are limited on time and are worried that a trip to Varanasi is too far. We are planning a visit to Corbett and wondered if visiting one of the hill towns of Rishikesh or Haridwar would be a good substitute for Varanasi. Can anyone provide advice?

Ganges - need advice

I%26#39;ve been to Haridwar and the bathing ghats always have people.

Ganges - need advice

if you just want to observe it, then Rishikesh/Haridwar is equally good. Apart from this, varanasi has much more to offer, for instance Sarnath, temples. If you like history, then visit to Sarnath would be worthwhile where budhha gave his first lecture.

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