Looking to book flight from Mumbai to Goa in December. Are there many flights and any idea of cost?
flights from Mumbai
Hi Malcolm
I suggest to fly Goa by Kingfisher airline - the best private full service carrier within India. You can check it at www.flykingfisher.com
flights from Mumbai
Or you could fly Air Deccan, no frills budget airline, about £15/20 I think.
Forgot to say there are loads of flights a day from Mumbai to Goa, by different airlines, I think I read somewhere about 11 flights a day.
Try makemytrip.com; cleartrip.com; yatra.com; ezeego1.co.in; arzoo.com; travelguru.com
You should get a good fare as you are booking so much in advance otherwise December is peak season ergo peak fares !! Also compare the fares on the airline websites with those of the above. Sometimes Indian (now Air Indian) offers really good deals on their own website, although these may not apply to Goa as these flights are always booked.
Hi i recommend make my trip aswell even if you don%26#39;t book through them though they are the same price as booking diretly with the airline companies. If you go on Make my Trip you will have idea how many flights go out and with which airline and prices.
As previous post said AirDeccan is the cheapest. Though Kingfisher is great flight I wouldn%26#39;t spend that amount of money to fly for one hour when other flights are just as good and much more cheaper.
People think I'm crazy because I travel too much, but I haven't been doing any of that lately because I got a little sick this year and I've tried to take care of it.
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