Saturday, April 21, 2012


My wife and I are due to arrive in Goa (staying at Prazeres) on 1st March. We would like to do a couple of excursions, but not anything that requires lots of travelling. Can anybody recommend any nice ';day trips';?

My wife wants to see Waterfalls and Monkeys!.......although they don%26#39;t both have to be in the same location.

Any recomendations would be appreciated.


Do a search in the Goa forums ';Trips from the north'; and you will find a very comprehensive list compiled by Perrystanks. It%26#39;s been bumped to the top of the forum a few times recently so should be easy to find.


As katieP said, search on %26#39;trips from the north%26#39;. The waterfalls and monkeys will actually be at the same location. You can feed the monkeys on the way up to the waterfalls.

If you take food for the monkeys at the waterfalls, take unsalted cashews, the monkeys will bypass the other tourists with friut to take the nuts. Obviously a favorite of theirs. Book your trips independantly, taxi drivers are really good. Take care at night walking off the main road to Prazeres Hotel.

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