Sunday, March 25, 2012

malaria tablets

can anybody tell me whats the best malaria tablets with the least side effects. We are also taking our 2 sons with us who are 17 and 13 is it any different for kids. We are a bit confused as we have lots of friens who go to goa a few times a year and they say one thing and then someone else tells us another.


malaria tablets

Check with your health centre, but make sure they have up to date advice - a lot of the books they use tend to be out of date.

malaria tablets

My advice is to check with the chemist as our doctor told us that we had to take 1 tablet 300 mg. chloroquine a week for a period of 7 weeks. When we went to the chemist, we were told that we needed Avchlor which is marked as 250 mg. but the chemist said the dosage was 2 tablets weekly. We queried this at Boots, Superdrug and ASDA Pharmacy and they all said the same thing - 2 tablets weekly as the active ingredient was only 155 mg. per tablet.

The price for exactly the same named drug varied greatly from £1.96 for 20 from Superdrug and £2.01 from ASDA to £4.29 for the same thing from Boots.

To sound boring...Ask your doctor.....

Having said that I took the two last time prollyqwaine and allalone (whatever - you know what I mean)

and they made me feel abit sicky if I didnt eat first...

This last I got Malerone ans was fine...

Sorry about the of wine in hand here...cheers - looking forward to an ace holiday...

Malarone is your best option. Get an appointment at your local NHS travel clinic where the prices are good. Tesco charges £2 per tablet + prescription fee.

Enjoy you trip!

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