Thursday, March 29, 2012

question for Rob Children Walking Tall

Hi Rob you may recall I and a friend visited you in December.

We were just wondering how the young girl who was so badly burnt in a %26#39;home%26#39; fire is.

When we visited you were having to dress her every day in a special suit how is she doing??


Lyn x

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  • 1 comment:

    1. Hi.. Is this a recent question? The girl is doing fine, she calls me up each Christmas and wishes me Happy Christmas which is just so nice. She is growing and is doing well in life. She is living with her brother and has a job now. I only get to see her once or twice a year as she's not 'local' anymore. I am traveling at the moment but intend to visit her when I get back.

      I am no longer working at Children Walking Tall as the Indian Staff are now in charge. I am helping another charity at the moment and we will see what happens in the future. I still see the kids though a they will always mean so much to me.
