Saturday, April 21, 2012

Digestive Health Suggestions

Traveling with family in India. We know the basics; Hand cleanliness, no water/ice, bottle water for brushing teeth, cooked foods. Any other experiences or suggestions? And medications to bring from the U.S.? Often local meds are better designed for local illness. If the kids are miserable, we will be also.

Digestive Health Suggestions

See the thread by Globetrotters just below this on the trots. Lots of info on there.

Digestive Health Suggestions

If you need any help or info about Delhi i will be glad to answer. I live in Delhi.

Eat bananas, steamed rice and drink coke.

As your doctor for a prescription and start taking it the minute your stomach starts acting up.

I also find Listerine usefull to keep your toothbrush germ free.

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