Saturday, April 21, 2012


hi has anyone any experience of the dental practise dr anal desalva in porvarim and calangute. thanks


I think you mean Anil Da Silva

But your spelling is much more fun.

And sorry ,I havent had any experience in this area.



Here%26#39;s his website


Hi, we have been to dr anil da silva many times for varying dental treatment. crowns ; caps , whitening, all checked out by british dentists on return. treatment a1, would recomend him without hesitation, hope this helps

thanks for that feel better now

friends just had all vaneers done only cost 2000 GBP not bad eh for the lot done

hi thanks for that but how many did they have for 2000

she had all her teeth done the whole lot proper simon cowell job hahaha,hope this helps good luck go on the site for dr de silva there is one on the baga road calangute,facing the ticlo hotel,next to infentaria bakery which is a good place to eat by the way

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